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AIITA Certified Software Engineer

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AIITA offers many job oriented computer courses.”AIITA Certified Software Engineer” is one of the AIITA approved course.The detailed contents of this course is in the attachment.



DURATION : 4 Months


Computer Fundamentals & IT

  • Introduction To Computers , Types Of Computer , History Of Computer , Generation Of Computer , PC & Its Components , Disk Defragmentor , Categories Of PC , Evolution Of Micro Processors , Registers Of Micro Processors , Basic Components Of Computer System , Input Output& Storage Units , Software , Types Of Software , Types Of Operating System , Categories Of OS , Example Of Utility Program , Programming Languages , Generations Of Programming Language , Application Software , User &Example Of Application Software , Viruses , Types Of Virus , Virus Detection &Prevention , Communication Process , Communication Protocols , Communication Channel/Media , Modem , Components Of  LAN  , Types Of Internet Connections , Internet& Its Advantages , Internet Services , WWW & Common Technologies of Internet

Application Software (MS Office) 
Office package

  • Word processor Software , Spreadsheet software , Presentation software , Database Management software

MS Word

  • Introduction to Ms Office , Introduction to Ms Word , How to Start , Components of Ms Word , File Menu , Edit Menu , View Menu , Insert Menu , Format Menu , Tools Menu , Table Menu , Window Menu , Help Menu

MS Excel

  • Introduction to MsExcel , Calculations , Formula , Functions , Insert Row/Columns , Create Chart , Format SheetTools Menu :-- Goal Seek , Scenario , AuditingData Menu :-- Sort , Filter , Advance Filter , Sub total , Forms , Validations , Table , Consolidate , Pivot table , Window , Help

Ms Power Point

  • Introduction , Insert New Slide , Format Slide , Slide Show

DBMS/RDBMS using Oracle

  • Oracle Product details , Different data base model , RDBMS  components –Kernel , Data dictionary , client /server computing and oracle , Overview of oracle architecture –oracle files , system and user  process , Oracle memory , system data base object , protecting data.Oracle data type , working with tables , data Constraints , column level & table level constraints  , defining different constraints on the table defining integrity constraints  in the ALTER TABLE command , Select Command , logical operator  , Range Searching  , Pattern Matching  , Oracle Function  , Grouping data from table in SQL , Manipulation Data in SQL Joining Multiple Tables(Equi joins ) , Joining a Table to self (Self joins) , Sub queries Union , intersect & Minus clause , creating  view Renaming the column of a view , granting permissions –updating  , Selection , Destroying view.

C & C++

  • Introduction to programming concept :-- Types of programming language , Low level language , High level language , Types of language processor , Header fileStructure of programming language :-- Program structure :-Comment , Define columns &RowsData type in C :-- Introduction to data type , Variables , Input statementOperators and expression :-- Arithmetic operators , Increment and Decrement operator , Relational operator , Logical operator , And operator , Or operator , Not operator , Conditional operatorDecision control structure :-- Introduction to Decision Making statement , The switch statementloop control structure :-- Introduction , For loop , While loop , Do while loop , Loop termination Arrays :-- Introduction to arraysFunction :-- Introduction to function , Types of functionStructure :-- What is Structures , Structure in c , The dot operator , Arrays of StructureIntroduction to C++Overviews of C++ :-- Object oriented Programming, concept , Advantage & ,usage of C++ . Classes and objects :classes structure and classes, union and classes, Friend function ,Friend classes, Inline function ,Scope resolution operator, Static class members, Static data members function, passing object to function, Returning objects , Object assignment.Constructor & Destructor :-- Constructor and destructor: Introduction constructor , parameterized constructor , multiple constructor  in a class , constructor with default argument , copy constructor , copy constructor , Default  argument ,destructor.Operator overloading :-- function & operator overloading: function overloading , overloading constructor function finding the address of an overloading function , operator overloading: creating a member operator function , Creating prefix and postfix form of the increment & decrement  operator , overloading the shorthand operation (i .e. +=,-=etc) , operator overloading restrictions , operator overloading using friend  function  , overloading loading  Some special operators , overloading [ ],(),-,comma operator , overloading <<.Inheritance :-- Base class access control , protected member , Protected base class Inheritance , Inheritance multiple base class , constructors , destructors & Inheritance , when constructor & destructor function are expected , Passing parameter to base class constructors , grating access , Virtual functions & Polymorphism: virtual function , pure virtual function , early Vs , late binding.The C++ input /output system basic :-- C++ stream , the basic stream classes: C++ Predefined stream , formatted I/o: formatting using the ios member , setting the format flags , clearing format flags , an overloaded  form of self Computer  programming , Introduction to Programming languages , Low level languages , Assembly language , Machine languages , Language ProcessorsIntroduction to Visual Basic :-- Introduction to programming , Advantages& Disadvantages , Features , EditionBuilding a VB Application :-- Project , Forms , Controls , Properties , Event procedures , Modules , VB Operate Modes , Setting Properties , Writing codesControls :-- VB standard controlsData types :-- Types declaration character , Variables , Variable declaration , Default  variant , Implicit , Explicit , Procedure level , Form level , Global level Message BoxOperator in Visual basic :-- Introduction  to operator , Arithmetic operator , Relational operator , Logical operatorConditional branching :-- The if statement  & select statement , Simple if statement , If else statement , Nested if statement , If else ladder , The select statementSpecial Events :-- Change event , Key down , Key press , Lost focusSystem built in Function :-- Data type functions , Math’s functions , String function , Conversion function , Date function  , Input box functionLoops :-- For loops , For each loops , While loops , Do while loops , With ….end  withProcedure &Modules :-- Introduction to procedure & function , Sub procedure , Function procedure , Property procedure , Let method , Get method , Set method , ModulesMenu editor :-- Introduction to menu editor , document interface , MDI form , Popup menusSpecial  controls :-- Toolbar control , Status bar , Calendar control , Date picker , Ms tabbed dialog controlError in Debugging :-- Introduction to errors , Kinds of errors , Debugging , Handling run time errorCommon Dialog Controls :-- Introduction to common  dialog control , Open dialog control , Save dialog control , Font dialog control , Print dialog control File System Object ComponentVisual basic and data base :-- Introduction to data base , Data control , Database engine , ADO data control , Data control properties , Data bound control , ADO data control methods Programming  with ADO :-- Connection object , Command object , Recordset object , Cursor type , ADO libraryADO Data EnvironmentMs Hierarchical flex grid controlData Report :-- Introduction to data report , Report section , Other report sectionComponent Basic :-- Introduction to com , Active X  EXE , Active X DLL , Active  X Control , Check the control , Creating active XDDL , Creating active X control , Package & Development Wizard 






Editor's Desk

Fundamental Success scripts being true to your word is easy

  Say you’re going to do something and then do it. If you make plans to meet your friend, don’t ditch him for some random date. Likewise, if you commit to go on a date with someone, don’t back out at the last minute for no good reason. If you don’t want to commit, don’t commit. If you’re not sure whether you can, check and see. If circumstances change and you have to adapt or postpone the arrangement, that’s fine too. If someone doesn’t want to make an appointment and then realize he’d rather chill instead. He doesn’t want to give ... Read More

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