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Advance Diploma in Software Engineering

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ELIGIBILITY : Graduation




 Computer Organization

Computer Evolution & Arithmetic

  • A Brief History of computers , Designing for Performance , Von Neumann Architecture , Hardware architecture , Computer Components , Interconnection Structures , Bus Interconnection , Scalar Data Types , Fixed and Floating point numbers , Signed numbers , Integer Arithmetic , 2’s Complement method for multiplication , Booths Algorithm , Hardware Implementation , Division , Restoring and Non Restoring algorithms , Floating point representations , IEEE standards , Floating point arithmetic.

The Central Processing Unit

  • Machine Instruction characteristics , types of operands , types of operations , Addressing modes , Instruction formats , Instruction types , Processor organization , Intel 8086 as example , Programmers model of 8086 , max/min mode , Register Organization , Instruction cycles , Read Write cycles , 8086 assembly instruction examples to explain addressing modes.

The Control Unit

  • Single Bus Organization , Control Unit Operations : Instruction sequencing , Micro operations and Register Transfer. Hardwired Control : Design methods – State table and classical method , Design Examples - Multiplier CU. Micro-programmed Control: Basic concepts , Microinstructions and micro - program sequencing

Memory Organization

  • Characteristics of memory systems , Internal and External Memory , Types of memories : ROM : PROM , EPROM , EEPROM , RAM : SRAM , DRAM , SDRAM , RDRAM High-Speed Memories : Cache Memory , Organization and Mapping Techniques , Replacement Algorithms , Cache Coherence , MESI protocol.Virtual Memory : Main Memory allocation , Segmentation , Paging , Address Translation Virtual to Physical.

I/O Organization

  • Input/Output Systems , Programmed I/O , Interrupt Driven I/O , 8086 Interrupt structure , Direct Memory Access (DMA) , 8237 features Buses and standard Interfaces : Synchronous , Asynchronous , Parallel I/O 8255 features , Serial I/O 8251 features , PCI , SCSI , USB Ports Working mechanisms of  Peripherals : Keyboard , Mouse , Scanners , Video Displays , Touch Screen panel , Dot Matrix , Desk-jet and Laser Printers.(features and principles)

System Software (Windows XP / NT)

Introduction To Windows XP/NT

  • Hardware and Software Required , Exploring the New Windows XP User Interface  and  NT user interface , The New Windows XP User Interface  and NT user Interface , Logging on to Windows XP  and NT , Customizing Your Desktop , Modifying Your System , Using the Control Panel , Shutting Down Windows XP , Exploring the New Windows XP Features , Windows Media Player , Windows Movie Maker , Working with Digital Photos , Exploring the New Windows XP Communication Tools , Real-Time Communication with Windows Messenger , Using Windows XP to Work Remotely , Remote Access Tools , Networking with Windows XP  and NT , Exploring the New Help and Support Features , Using the Help and Support Tool , Using the Remote Assistance Tool , Exploring the New Windows XP Security Features , Internet Connection Firewall , File Systems and Recovery

Computer Applications (Word , Excel , Power Point)

Office package

  • Word processor Software , Spreadsheet software , Presentation software , Database Management software


MS Word

  • Introduction to Ms Office , Introduction to Ms Word , How to Start , Components of Ms Word , File Menu , Edit Menu , View Menu , Insert Menu , Format Menu , Tools Menu , Table Menu , Window Menu , Help Menu

MS Excel

  • Introduction to MsExcel , Calculations , Formula , Functions , Insert Row/Columns , Create Chart , Format Sheet

Tools Menu

  • Goal Seek , Scenario , Auditing

Data Menu

  • Sort , Filter , Advance Filter , Sub total , Forms , Validations , Table , Consolidate , Pivot table , Window , Help

Ms PowerPoint

  • Introduction , Insert New Slide , Format Slide , Slide Show

Object Oriented Programming (C++) 
Introduction to programming concept

Introduction to programming concept

  • Types of programming language , Low level language , High level language , Types of language processor , Header file

Structure of programming language

  • Program structure :-Comment , Define columns &Rows

Data type in C

  • Introduction to data type , Variables , Input statement

Operators and expression

  • Arithmetic operators , Increment and Decrement operator , Relational operator , Logical operator , And operator , Or operator , Not operator , Conditional operator

Decision control structure

  • Introduction to Decision Making statement , The switch statement

loop control structure

  • Introduction , For loop , While loop , Do while loop , Loop termination 


  • Introduction to arrays


  • Introduction to function , Types of function


  • What is Structures , Structure in c , The dot operator , Arrays of Structure

Introduction to C++

 Overviews of C++

  • Object oriented Programming, concept , Advantage & ,usage of C++ . Classes and objects :classes structure and classes, union and classes, Friend function ,Friend classes, Inline function ,Scope resolution operator, Static class members, Static data members function, passing object to function, Returning objects , Object assignment.

Constructor & Destructor

  • Constructor and destructor: Introduction constructor , parameterized constructor , multiple constructor  in a class , constructor with default argument , copy constructor , copy constructor , Default  argument ,destructor.

Operator overloading

  • function & operator overloading: function overloading , overloading constructor function finding the address of an overloading function , operator overloading: creating a member operator function , Creating prefix and postfix form of the increment & decrement  operator , overloading the shorthand operation (i .e. +=,-=etc) , operator overloading restrictions , operator overloading using friend  function  , overloading loading  Some special operators , overloading [ ],(),-,comma operator , overloading <<.


  • Base class access control , protected member , Protected base class Inheritance , Inheritance multiple base class , constructors , destructors & Inheritance , when constructor & destructor function are expected , Passing parameter to base class constructors , grating access , Virtual functions & Polymorphism: virtual function , pure virtual function , early Vs , late binding.

The C++ input /output system basic

  • C++ stream , the basic stream classes: C++ Predefined stream , formatted I/o: formatting using the ios member , setting the format flags , clearing format flags , an overloaded  form of self 

Business Data Processing (Data Structure)

  • Basic Terminology , Elementary Data Organization , Data Structure operations  , Algorithm Complexity and Time-Space trade-off


  • Array Definition , Representation and Analysis , Single and Multidimensional Arrays , address calculation , application of arrays , Character String in C , Character string operation ,  Array as Parameters , Ordered List , Sparse Matrices , and Vectors.


  • Array Representation and Implementation of stack , Operations on Stacks : Push & Pop , Array Representation of Stack , Linked Representation of Stack , Operations Associated with Stacks , Application of stack : Conversion of Infix to Prefix and Postfix Expressions , Evaluation of postfix expression using stack.


  • Recursive definition and processes , recursion in C , example of recursion , Tower of Hanoi Problem , simulating recursion.Backtracking , recursive algorithms , principles of recursion , tail recursion , removal of recursion.


  • Array and linked representation and implementation of queues , Operations on Queue : Create , Add , Delete , Full and Empty.Circular queue , Deque , and Priority Queue.

Linked list

  • Representation and Implementation of Singly Linked Lists , Two-way Header List , Traversing and Searching of Linked List , Overflow and Underflow , Insertion and deletion to/from Linked Lists , Insertion and deletion Algorithms , Doubly linked list , Linked List in Array , Polynomial representation and addition , Generalized linked list , Garbage Collection and Compaction.


  • Basic terminology , Binary Trees , Binary tree representation , algebraic Expressions , Complete Binary Tree.Extended Binary Trees , Array and Linked Representation of Binary trees , Traversing Binary trees , Threaded Binary trees.Traversing Threaded Binary trees , Huffman algorithm.

Searching and Hashing

  • Sequential search , binary search , comparison and analysis , Hash Table , Hash Functions , Collision Resolution Strategies , Hash Table Implementation.


  • Insertion Sort , Bubble Sorting , Quick Sort , Two Way Merge Sort , Heap Sort , Sorting on Different Keys , Practical consideration for Internal Sorting.

Binary Search Trees

  • Binary Search Tree (BST) , Insertion and Deletion in BST , Complexity of Search Algorithm , Path Length , AVL Trees , B-trees.


  • Terminology & Representations , Graphs & Multi-graphs , Directed Graphs , Sequential Representations of Graphs , Adjacency Matrices , Traversal , Connected Component and Spanning Trees , Minimum Cost Spanning Trees.

File Structures 

  • Physical Storage Media File Organization , Organization of records into Blocks , Sequential Files , Indexing and Hashing , Primary indices , Secondary indices , B+ Tree index Files , B Tree index Files , Indexing and Hashing Comparisons.

Structured System Analysis & Design

 System Concept

  • Definition , characteristics , elements of System , Physical and abstract System ,  Open and closed systemUsers requirements an analysis , fact finding process and techniques , System Performance constraints and identification of systems , Tools of structured Analysis , logical and physical model , context diagram , data dictionary data diagram , form driven methodology , pseudo codes , flow charts , system flow charts , run flow charts , input/output and form design , menu screen design , layout consideration  

Organization of EDP

  • Introduction Job responsibility and duties of EDP

Business Computing (Oracle/ PL SQL)

  • Oracle Product details , Different data base model , RDBMS  components –Kernel , Data dictionary , client /server computing and oracle , Overview of oracle architecture –oracle files , system and user  process , Oracle memory , system data base object , protecting data.Oracle data type , working with tables , data Constraints , column level & table level constraints  , defining different constraints on the table defining integrity constraints  in the ALTER TABLE command , Select Command , logical operator  , Range Searching  , Pattern Matching  , Oracle Function  , Grouping data from table in SQL , Manipulation Data in SQL Joining Multiple Tables(Equi joins ) , Joining a Table to self (Self joins) , Sub queries Union , intersect & Minus clause , creating  view Renaming the column of a view , granting permissions –updating  , Selection , Destroying view.

Java Programming
Introduction of Java

  • What is Java? , How to Get Java , A First Java Program , Compiling and Interpreting Applications , The JDK Directory Structure

Data types and Variables

  • Primitive Data types ,Declarations , Variable Names , Numeric Literals , Character Literals , String , String Literals , Arrays , Non-Primitive Data types ,The Dot Operator

Operators and Expressions

  • Expressions  Assignment Operator  , Arithmetic  Operators  Relational Operators  Logical Operators  Increment and  Decrement Operators  Operate -Assign operators (+ = ,  etc.)  The Conditional Operator  Operator Precedence  Implicit Type Conversions  The Cast Operator

Control Flow Statements

  • Statements , Conditional (if) Statements , Data types and Variables 3 , Adding an else if , Conditional (switch) Statements , while and do-while Loops , for Loops , A for Loop Diagram , Enhanced for Loop , The continue Statement , The break Statement


  • Methods , Calling Methods , Defining Methods , Method Parameters , Scope , Method Parameters 

Object-Oriented Programming

  • Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming , Classes and Objects , Fields and Methods , Encapsulation , Access Control , Inheritance , Polymorphism 

Objects and Classes

  • Defining a Class , Creating an Object , Instance Data and Class Data , Methods , Constructors , Access Modifiers , Encapsulation

Using Java Objects

  • Printing to the Console , StringBuilder and StringBuffer , Methods and Messages toString , Parameter Passing , Comparing and Identifying Objects , Destroying Objects  

Inheritance in Java

  • Inheritance , Inheritance in Java , Casting , Method Overriding , Polymorphism , Super class


  • The import Statement , Static Imports , Casting , CLASSPATH and Import , Defining Packages , Package Scope 

Exception Handling

  • Exceptions Overview , Catching Exceptions , The finally Block , Exception Methods , Declaring Exceptions , Defining and Throwing Exceptions , Errors and RuntimeExceptions

Input/Output Streams

  • Overview of Streams , Bytes vs. Characters , Converting Byte Streams to Character Streams , File Object , Binary Input and Output , PrintWriter Class , Reading and Writing Objects , Basic and Filtered Streams 

Collection Framework

  • The Collections Framework , The Set Interface , Set Implementation Classes , The List Interface , List Implementation Classes , The Map Interface , Map Implementation Classes 

Inner Classes

  • Inner Classes , Member Classes , Local Classes , Anonymous Classes , Instance Initializers , Static Nested Classes 

Introduction to Threads

  • Non-Threaded Applications , Threaded Applications , Creating Threads , Thread States , Runnable Threads , Coordinating Threads , Interrupting Threads , Runnable Interface , ThreadGroups 

Interfaces and Abstract Classes

  • Separating Interface and Implementation , UML Interfaces and Realization , Defining Interfaces , Implementing and Extending Interfaces , Runnable Threads , Abstract Classes 


  • Object Serialization , Serializable Interface , Serialization API , ObjectInputStream and ObjectOutputStream , The Serialization Engine , readObject and writeObject , Externalizable Interface 

Visual Computing

  • Basic Concept of Visual Computing , Digital Image Processing , Digital image generation , Learning Methods of  vision

Data Communication & Networking

  • Overview of  computer networks and Internet, the OSI model TCP/IP , Ethernet Token Ring and Wireless and the methods they  use of connecting , Data Link Layer Responsibilities , Internet Protocols , TCP IP Segment, IP Packet and Data  Link Frame Formats , Wireless and Mobile networks , Application  used  in every day network related task.




Editor's Desk

Fundamental Success scripts being true to your word is easy

  Say you’re going to do something and then do it. If you make plans to meet your friend, don’t ditch him for some random date. Likewise, if you commit to go on a date with someone, don’t back out at the last minute for no good reason. If you don’t want to commit, don’t commit. If you’re not sure whether you can, check and see. If circumstances change and you have to adapt or postpone the arrangement, that’s fine too. If someone doesn’t want to make an appointment and then realize he’d rather chill instead. He doesn’t want to give ... Read More

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