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welcome challenges and be prepared for it

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So, if you are not being challenged in any way, you cannot grow. If you do not have anything to push against, you cannot make any progress. This is a revealing but true concept. If you are absolutely satisfied with your life the truth remains that you will not try to change it in any way. Any positive change must come as a result of some negative influence that forces you to change. This negative influence can take many forms - from dissatisfaction with your work to disappointment from your girlfriend or boyfriend. There are many geniuses out there who found their passion and did amazing things after some tragic event in their lives or after being disappointed in one way or another.

As a dreamer, you must always be prepared for opposition. In particular, you must be prepared for the nay-sayers and the haters. These are the people that would love to see you fail and they know that you will fail in trying to live the life that you deserve. At times it may be people you truly trust to help you along on your journey. Instead they try to stop you and discourage you. Spouses, relatives and close friends are some examples. My anonymous e-mailer is another. This is a facet of human nature that is hard to understand. Why would anyone want to stop someone else from being all that they can be? The answer is simple. That would expose their own failures and shortcomings. It is not that they don't believe in you – they just don't have enough belief in themselves. They would judge you based on their own abilities. But rather than get discouraged and defeated you can use their unbelief to spur you on. I have found that there is nothing that can encourage you to take action more than having someone show doubt in what you can do. One of motivational speakers, Jim Rohn, tells a story of how his former boss did not believe in his abilities and thought he was a failure. When Jim became wealthy from his speaking business he took a briefcase full of dollar bills, got into his former boss's office, opened the briefcase, poured all the dollar bills on the desk in front of where the guy was seated and exclaimed just two words before walking out – “count it!” As Lee Iacocca said: “In times of great stress or adversity it's always best to keep busy, to plow your anger and your energy into something positive.” What Jim Rohn did is a good example of that principle at work. I would urge you right now to write a list of things people in the past have said you can't do. I would urge you also to plan your victory celebration – what are you going to do once you get there? What are you going to do to help elevate those who will be in the position you may be in now? The Bible says in Genesis as Joseph addressed his brothers: “But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good…” Turn the negativity into a positive. Overcome the opposition and prove them wrong.You are all you can be. Go on and be it.

Editor's Desk

Fundamental Success scripts being true to your word is easy

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