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Uncertainty is the Only Correct Way to Think?

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Many people have a false notion of reasoning that suggests if something is uncertain, they are free to believe what they want. While you're always free to believe anything, including falsehoods, that doesn't mean they are justified.  As Scott H Young says that my claim is that uncertainties, which are weighted appropriately, are the only justifiable beliefs to have. For many things in life, the uncertainty is so small we can ignore it. We don't regularly consider the possibility that gravity will cease to function and they'll float into space because the doubt is miniscule. But just because we can ignore uncertainty in practical contexts doesn't mean we can omit it wholesale. Uncertainties are the only valid way of reasoning, in that they maximize true beliefs. However, there may be exceptions where maximizing true beliefs conflicts with other goals. Once you accept that certainty is just a useful simplification, and that uncertainties are the only correct way to reason about things, life becomes much easier. Doubts, fears and worries still exist, but they stop being unnatural entities that need to be avoided, but qualities of reality that should be embraced. Instead of avoiding doubt, learn the skills to work within it. There are many good algorithms for making smart decisions, given uncertain situations.

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