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Prof. (Dr.) Rajeev Sharma

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Prof. (Dr.) Rajeev Sharma, Vice-Chairman, Alma:  Prof. (Dr.) Rajeev Sharma, Vice-Chairman, Alma:







Prof. (Dr.) Rajeev Sharma, Vice-Chairman, Alma:  

Any accomplishment requires the effort of Team players. Alma is an organization that has reached to the height, due to praise worthy contribution made by the people involved with it. ALMA's strategy and policy are exquisitely designed to build a platform for the Nation's citizens to enhance their credential. The organization possesses an international reputation and has been accredited as NGO by Govt. of India. The State Government and the University Grants Commission support Alma to nourish talent and facilitate optimum potential release.

The organization endeavors to adopt new learning methodologies to impart extensive, multidimensional and specialized knowledge to enable future professional to keep abreast with the changing needs of Industry globally.

Mission of the organization is to educate people and help them discover themselves. On behalf of the ALMA family I extend you a warm welcome to visit our organization.   


Editor's Desk

Fundamental Success scripts being true to your word is easy

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