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Anil Kumar, Fatehabad (Haryana)

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 Centre Code  122607
 Institute Name  IIMT
 Centre Head Name  Anil Kumar
 Centre Location  Fatehabad (Haryana)

Editor's Desk

Fundamental Success scripts being true to your word is easy

  Say you’re going to do something and then do it. If you make plans to meet your friend, don’t ditch him for some random date. Likewise, if you commit to go on a date with someone, don’t back out at the last minute for no good reason. If you don’t want to commit, don’t commit. If you’re not sure whether you can, check and see. If circumstances change and you have to adapt or postpone the arrangement, that’s fine too. If someone doesn’t want to make an appointment and then realize he’d rather chill instead. He doesn’t want to give ... Read More

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