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Raj Tripathi of (Bangalore) becomes DO of Alma

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Raj Tripathi of (Bangalore)  becomes  DO of Alma

Alma has started expanding its expansion activities through franchise network across the country and such activities would be done under the ablest guidance of dynamic youth of Bangalore (Karnataka) Shri Raj Tripathi has been appointed as Development Officer of all brands of Alma Group. This is informed by the director of Alma ShriSantoshShukla, Advocate.ShriTripathi would contribute his efforts in promoting brand image and franchise network for all brands of Alma Group.On being appointed D.O., ShriTripathi was congratulated by members of Alma Family.



INDORE: Alma has started expanding its expansion  activities through franchise network across the country and such activities would be done under the ablest guidance of  dynamic youth of Bangalore (Karnataka) Shri Raj Tripathi   has been appointed as Development  Officer of all brands of Alma Group. This is informed by the director of Alma ShriSantoshShukla, Advocate.

ShriTripathi would contribute his efforts in promoting brand image and franchise network for all brands of Alma Group. ShriShukla told that Alma would create awareness to promote the cause of computer and IT education, preschool education and software development across the country.

On being appointed D.O., ShriTripathi was congratulated by members of Alma Family.

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