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Rules & Registration Fee

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Associated School/ Institutions and the concerned key persons will be honored by Alma Associated School/ Institutions and the concerned key persons will be honored by Alma

Under the Mission the Project may be implemented to the Women Development Centre, Children Development Centre, Elder Educational Institutions, Private Institutions, Colleges, Semi-Government Schools, Private Schools and Trusts Committees. The examination will be scheduled & informed to Alma by the Working Committee/Principal/ Centre Head of the concerned school.









• Under the Mission the Project may be implemented to the Women Development Centre, Children Development Centre, Elder Educational Institutions,       Private Institutions, Colleges, Semi-Government Schools, Private Schools and Trusts Committees.

• The prescribed  Registration Fee for  the student is as follows:

For 3rd to 8th   Class- Rs. 350/- per annum/student

For 9th to 12th   Class- Rs.500/-per annum/student

(The above amount is Inclusive of – Registration,  Examination and Certificate)

Courseware/Books shall be provided at affordable cost to the student  

• The examination will be scheduled & informed to Alma by the Working Committee/Principal/ Centre Head of the concerned school.

• Class-wise Annual Syllabus & Identity Card will be provided by Alma to the students.

• Associated School/ Institutions and the concerned key persons will be honored by Alma

• The selected registered students will be provided with educational assistance

• The students belonging to scheduled castes & tribes will be provided additional assistance
Services to the schools

• Class wise Certification

• Free DCA Certification to the student* (5 yrs Continuity of ASP & Eligibility 10th Class)* 

• Question Paper Class wise

• Class wise Courseware (English Medium)

• Assistance to conduct ASP

• Guideline  to the faculty of school

• Free Membership Certificate


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