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Don't follow the crowd

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Society's commonsense tells us that that is the way to go. Unfortunately, commonsense is not always good-sense. It's just common. If you are a dreamer you cannot afford to work on society's assumptions and standards. You have to be unique.

For instance, a lot of people have spent anything from 15 to 20 years getting an education so they can have that perfect job and earn a huge salary. Unfortunately for most, the perfect job and the huge earnings never materialize. They only have the long hard years of work and loads of papers with unpronounceable names to show for it. According to Dr. Moses that most of them have lost touch with the very people they are working so hard to provide for - their husband, wife and children, all because of having to “work hard” for a living. Yet few ask themselves if there is a better way. They blindly follow what they've always been taught.  I am here to tell you that there is another way. It's not for everyone. It's not the only way. It's not the easier way. Actually, it is more likely to be the harder way. But I guarantee you it is the best way. It is simply this – follow your dreams. If you can think it, you can have it. Following your dreams, however, is a process and comes at a price. What is the process and what is the price to be paid? Be patient. All will be revealed. Patience, by the way is part of it. Get-rich-quick and easy success schemes don't last.






Editor's Desk

Fundamental Success scripts being true to your word is easy

  Say you’re going to do something and then do it. If you make plans to meet your friend, don’t ditch him for some random date. Likewise, if you commit to go on a date with someone, don’t back out at the last minute for no good reason. If you don’t want to commit, don’t commit. If you’re not sure whether you can, check and see. If circumstances change and you have to adapt or postpone the arrangement, that’s fine too. If someone doesn’t want to make an appointment and then realize he’d rather chill instead. He doesn’t want to give ... Read More

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